
Acute PainPain that usu­al­ly lasts for a short peri­od of time, typ­i­cal­ly caused by an injury or med­ical pro­ce­dure.
Anal­gesicA type of med­ica­tion used to relieve pain.
Anes­the­siaA med­ical treat­ment that pre­vents or reduces pain and sen­sa­tion dur­ing surgery or oth­er pro­ce­dures.
Anti-inflam­ma­to­ryMed­ica­tions or treat­ments that reduce inflam­ma­tion and can help relieve pain.
Chron­ic PainPain that per­sists for an extend­ed peri­od, often last­ing longer than three months.
Fibromyal­giaA chron­ic pain dis­or­der char­ac­ter­ized by wide­spread mus­cu­loskele­tal pain and fatigue.
Inflam­ma­tionThe body’s nat­ur­al response to injury or infec­tion, often result­ing in pain, swelling, and red­ness.
Inter­ven­tion­al Ther­a­pyTreat­ments that involve min­i­mal­ly inva­sive pro­ce­dures to alle­vi­ate pain, such as nerve blocks or injec­tions.
MigraineA type of headache char­ac­ter­ized by severe, throb­bing pain, often accom­pa­nied by nau­sea and sen­si­tiv­i­ty to light and sound.
Nerve BlockA pro­ce­dure that uses anes­thet­ic med­ica­tion to block pain sig­nals from a spe­cif­ic nerve or group of nerves.
Neu­ro­path­ic PainPain caused by dam­age or dys­func­tion in the ner­vous sys­tem, often result­ing in burn­ing, tin­gling, or shoot­ing sen­sa­tions.
Opi­oidA class of pow­er­ful pain-reliev­ing med­ica­tions derived from opi­um or syn­thet­ic ver­sions of opi­um.
Phys­i­cal Ther­a­pyA treat­ment approach that uses exer­cis­es, stretch­es, and oth­er tech­niques to improve func­tion and reduce pain.
Referred PainPain felt in a part of the body that is dis­tant from the actu­al source of the pain.
Reha­bil­i­ta­tionThe process of help­ing patients regain their strength, mobil­i­ty, and func­tion fol­low­ing an injury or ill­ness.
Spinal Cord Stim­u­la­tionA treat­ment that uses elec­tri­cal impuls­es to inter­rupt pain sig­nals trav­el­ing to the brain.
TENS (Tran­scu­ta­neous Elec­tri­cal Nerve Stim­u­la­tion)A non-inva­sive treat­ment that uses low-volt­age elec­tri­cal cur­rents to relieve pain.
Trig­ger PointA tight, sen­si­tive area in the mus­cle that can cause pain when pressed or stim­u­lat­ed.